CFSA Management Mum on Upcoming RIFs

Yesterday Union leaders met with CFSA management about an impending Reduction In Force (RIF). The consultation, as it is called, was to discuss alternatives to the RIF. A consultation is a formal discussion between the union and management about the RIF and it is used as a way for the union to provide alternatives in lieu of a Riff.

During the consultation CFSA management was tight lip and vague and didn’t divulge any information about their plans for the RIF or the future of CFSA employee’s. CFSA management wasn’t open to even discussing alternatives which is in violation of the union contract (Article 19 Section 2).  Union leaders could only conclude that CFSA was having the meeting to say that they met with us. CFSA mangement seems to have already made up their minds to move forward with the RIF.

Previously CFSA has indicated that as many as 54 CFSA employees would be RIF, but after yesterday’s meeting as well as the recent hearings it seems that there may be more than 54 CFSA employees RIF.

Lastly, CFSA has switched their reasoning for the RIF’s from the economy to a manufactured claim that there is a lack of children in care within the system. Judith Sandalow, executive director of the Children’s Law Center, which represents some 1,200 children and families every year and Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, both see CFSA’s claims of a diminished workload as pure BS.  Both Ms. Sandalow and Mr. Wexler provided stats on why CFSA’s claims were false. You can read about their thoughts in the Washington City Paper.

I encourage CFSA to read the Mayor’s proposed budget. and review where CFSA is proposing cuts.

So do you think your work load has diminished within CFSA? Are there less kids in the in care system? What do you think?